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Hitachi Vantara

In our continued collaboration with Hitachi Vantara, TFG was tasked with producing individual video shoots with the executive team and reimagining their PowerPoint presentations as motion graphics to be used at Hitachi’s vKOM (Virtual Kick-Off Meeting) 2022 event.
1.0 The Challenge
While shooting on location in San Diego, CA, the TFG team was challenged with converting two hotel suites into fully-functional production studios due to a lack of available meeting space at the hotel. Moreover, our production teams had to be efficient due to the tight schedules each executive kept and remain flexible for any variety of schedule changes throughout the three-day event.

2.0 Services

Virtual Event Production
Presentation Design
On-Location Production
Corporate Videos
Virtual Event Platform
3.0 How We Did It
The TFG team flew out to shoot on location in San Deigo, CA at Hitachi Vantara’s ELT event. We recorded Hitachi executives presenting their goals for the upcoming fiscal year, successes, and challenges of the previous fiscal year. TFG attended this event to film presentations for their vKOM 2022 event to be held two weeks later.

To execute the video records, we set up portable green screens to convert two hotel suites into fully-functional production studios. Each studio room had its own production team consisting of three members: a producer, a videographer, and an audio tech. Overall, there were 26 executive records captured throughout the three days. Our creative team was in charge of reimagining the executive speaker’s PowerPoint presentations as motion graphics. Shooting each video on a green screen allowed for the motion graphics to be added later in post-production and look seamless with the virtual backgrounds chosen for each speaker session.

This is the third annual vKOM event the TFG team has produced for Hitachi, and each year we have taken on more and more responsibilities. This year we were able to own the entirety of the event production from the video production to the graphics to the platform that it played on, CUEVENT. Owning and producing all of the content for an event is important as it gives TFG more control over the consistency of delivery and creates a more unified and seamless experience for the audience.

4.0 About the Client
Hitachi Vantara, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd., focuses on Social Innovation Business combining its operational technology, information technology, and products. They make data centers more effective, harness the power of customers’ data, and rapidly scale digital businesses. Companies choose them to help develop new revenue streams, unlock competitive advantages, lower business costs, and enhance customer experiences. Working alongside each customer, they apply their unmatched industrial and digital capabilities to their data and applications to benefit business and society.