Care Free Homes Inc.
Here at The Franchise Group, we pride ourselves in the consistency, thoughtfulness, and quality we deliver with each project. One of our oldest clients, Care Free Homes Inc. (CFH), is an excellent example of our dedication to tailoring our services to fit our client’s needs and growing with them. Over the last decade, we have tackled various projects for CFH, from door hangers and brochures to web design and television commercials.
1.0 Why It Matters
Since we operate as CFH’s video team, TFG is responsible for creating television and marketing videos focused on Care Free Homes’ history and services. Over the last 12 years, we have created a series of videos that would allow CFH to have a strong portfolio of commercials that cover all of the services they offer and highlight their philanthropic endeavors.
As Care Free Homes grew to need additional support, TFG’s design & development teams tackled building their website and creating a robust SEO program to improve online visibility and drive more traffic to their site. The website rebuild aimed to solve usability and organization challenges, improve overall aesthetics, and increase leads generated from their website. CFH wanted their website to be bolder and more inviting, incorporating more branding and better imagery. Moreover, the organization of content and the implementation of SEO required appropriately categorized content and pages for the places they wanted to target. Within the first year after TFG implemented SEO, Care Free Homes received over $1 million in sales from website leads alone.
Social media is an essential part of marketing because of its ability to share information with a broader audience and drive website traffic. We like to make things easy for our clients (you could even say carefree), and managing social media feeds and creating custom content for Care Free Homes’ social channels is one of the ways we do it.
The TFG team doesn’t only support our clients with digital, video, and web-based projects; we also handle all of their print needs. Our design team has created brochures, rack cards, and booth signage at trade shows for Care Free Homes. The brochure and rack cards aimed to inform Care Free Homes’ prospective clients about who they are and their services.
The significance of the client-agency partnership is often overlooked. This collaboration is at its finest when both parties proactively strive to work together and encourage open communication. We proudly showcase our long-standing partnership with Care Free Homes and their exceptional craftsmanship.
3.0 Result:
Care Free Homes is a family-owned home improvement and construction company in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. An A+ member of the Better Business Bureau for over 30 years, Care Free Homes provides top-quality workmanship, reliable customer service, and outstanding product warranties. Care Free Homes is fully licensed and insured in both Massachusetts and Rhode Island and is an award-winning company with an extensive list of industry credentials. Care Free Homes customers are served by the Pickup Family and their team of qualified craftsmen.